Parents are the guardians and heroes a child has growing up. But what about sports and in this case youth sports that makes them the villain and embarrassing to be around. Check this video out from Good Morning America:
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all parents are like this, but it only takes one to start then the cancer spreads. Also I’ve caught myself acting like an aggressive parent but in my case its because my son wasn’t trying or was disrespecting the coach. There are different types of parents: hovering and lollypop to name two. Hovering parents tend to hover around the child’s every move and dictate what they do. Lollypop parents have to suck on a lollypop or chew gum so that it’s a distraction and they don’t get into a confrontation or saying anything demoralizing. I have to admit that I’m probably a lollypop parent, that why I coach so I can yell and not look bad, lol, just kidding.
I’ve coached my kids in almost all their sports, so I deal with parents in a different manner but I’ve been in situations where I’ve had to tell parents to stop and settle down, to where one of my parents went into the opposites teams dugout. Which then caused the opposing coach and I to argue. Finally, something clicked and I realized that my team was watching and this didn’t need to happen in front of them.
Parents try to live their glory days or want their kids to live their glory days that they didn’t get to have. Sometimes they can take it too far. We need to let kids live and have fun until they grow up and have to deal with real life.
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